It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (2024)

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**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.


    MCOC Team Posts: 526

    December 2023 edited December 2023 in General Discussion

    Banquet and Accolades Event 2023

    Get and open BANQUET CRYSTALS and GREATER BANQUET CRYSTALS in the Crystal Vault to earn points towards Solo and Alliance Events! GREATER BANQUET CRYSTALS have a chance to award 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards and much more! Celebrate those who fight alongside you in the many challenges of The Contest. Is an alliance member known for always collecting the newest Champs, besting everyone in Battlegrounds, or just overall naturally talented? Let them know with ACCOLADES!


    Start Date: 12/20/2023 @ 18:00 UTC

    End Date: 01/03/2024 @ 18:00 UTC


    To participate in this event, your account must be:


    Level 40+


    Earn points by, both, acquiring and opening Banquet Crystals and Greater Banquet Crystals. Get rewards from Milestones in Solo and Alliance Events and push yourself and your alliance to collect better Ranked Rewards!

    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (3)

    Banquet Crystal

    Final drop rates will be available in-game.

    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (4)

    Greater Banquet Crystal

    Greater Banquet Crystals will grant three items, one from each of the below lists!

    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (5)
    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (6)
    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (7)


    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (8)


    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (9)
    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (10)

    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (11)
    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (12)
    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (13)


    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (14)


    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (15)
    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (16)

    Limited crystal with a limited Champion pool! Open one for your chance to add the following champs to your roster:
    Moondragon, Sandman, Diablo, Adam Warlock, Shocker, Professor X

    Open for your chance at the following Champs:

    Attuma, Mister Negative, Sorcerer Supreme, Odin, Guardian, Stryfe, Shang-Chi, Spot, Juggernaut, Knull, Warlock, Colossus, Crossbones, Silk, Kindred, Hyperion, Lady Deathstrike, Dani Moonstar, Jabari Panther, Photon, Vox, Gladiator, Ironman, Spider Ham, Chee’ilth, Morbius, Werewolf by Night, Kushala, Peni Parker, Havok

    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (17)


    Collect and send Accolade Cards to your Alliancemates/Friends to nominate them for recognition! If you accumulate 5 of the same nominations you will receive an associated Profile Picture. At 15 you will receive an in-game Title!

    At the start of the event, Summoners will receive an in-game message containing one of each of the ten Accolade Cards to get you started!


    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (18)

    Accolades Solo Event

    You will earn 50 points for every Accolade Nomination you send.

    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (19)

    Note: There are no Ranked Rewards for this Event.



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      Noob_Master69 Posts: 680 ★★★★

      December 2023

      What does the "SRA" mean here?
      It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (21)


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      Cuchulainn Posts: 85

      December 2023

      Unit cost for GBC?


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      Noob_Master69 Posts: 680 ★★★★

      December 2023 edited December 2023

      If I counted right we get 19 free GBC which is 13,300 points
      117,600 - 13,300 = 104,300 points left

      104,300 / 2800 = 37,25 = 38 GBCs rounded up

      38 * 300 = 11,400 units

      11,400 - 600 units we get = 10,800 units for all milestones

      Whew, quite a bit
      Or my math just sucks, that's possible too

      Edit: Missed the calendar GBCs, so like, subtract 600 from that


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      Deamon1337 Posts: 144

      December 2023

      Does the crystals cost 300 units as always? Because you get less points compaired to last years banquet event


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      Kabam Jax Posts: 1,686

      December 2023

      Noob_Master69 said:

      What does the "SRA" mean here?
      It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (26)

      Sorry, I missed that! Adjusted the original doc, but SRA should have read: Selector


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      SandeepS Posts: 1,207 ★★★★

      December 2023

      Noob_Master69 said:

      If I counted right we get 19 free GBC which is 13,300 points
      117,600 - 13,300 = 104,300 points left

      104,300 / 2800 = 37,25 = 38 GBCs rounded up

      38 * 300 = 11,400 units

      11,400 - 600 units we get = 10,800 units for all milestones

      Whew, quite a bit
      Or my math just sucks, that's possible too

      Edit: Missed the calendar GBCs, so like, subtract 600 from that

      You're not far off. Just keep in mind the platpool arena thing comes in a few days to reduce it further too.


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      Pekka4900 Posts: 25

      December 2023

      Won't lie...the rewards are underwhelming...expected more Titan shards and the gifted guardian crystal pool is ok...nothing great


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      BitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★

      December 2023 edited December 2023

      Noob_Master69 said:

      What does the "SRA" mean here?
      It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (30)

      it's a selector for their respective pools


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      Mmaatthheeww Posts: 47

      December 2023

      What's up with the new point system? I did some quick math, and you have to purchase 42 GBCs in order to reach the final milestone of solo event. 42 x 300units= 12600units. Are the banquet crystals going to be cheaper this year, or has the economy changed? Obviously, accolades and GBC milestones will give some pts, but that's still twice as much as last year. Last year was around 6-6500 units after accolades and milestone pts were counted.


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      Savage123456789 Posts: 677 ★★★

      December 2023

      Noob_Master69 said:

      If I counted right we get 19 free GBC which is 13,300 points
      117,600 - 13,300 = 104,300 points left

      104,300 / 2800 = 37,25 = 38 GBCs rounded up

      38 * 300 = 11,400 units

      11,400 - 600 units we get = 10,800 units for all milestones

      Whew, quite a bit
      Or my math just sucks, that's possible too

      Edit: Missed the calendar GBCs, so like, subtract 600 from that

      You also get 550 from alliance milestone, plus the units arena starting soon. But this is good work. Will help a lot of people have an estimated amount to get all solo event


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      Noob_Master69 Posts: 680 ★★★★

      December 2023

      Savage123456789 said:

      Noob_Master69 said:

      If I counted right we get 19 free GBC which is 13,300 points
      117,600 - 13,300 = 104,300 points left

      104,300 / 2800 = 37,25 = 38 GBCs rounded up

      38 * 300 = 11,400 units

      11,400 - 600 units we get = 10,800 units for all milestones

      Whew, quite a bit
      Or my math just sucks, that's possible too

      Edit: Missed the calendar GBCs, so like, subtract 600 from that

      You also get 550 from alliance milestone, plus the units arena starting soon. But this is good work. Will help a lot of people have an estimated amount to get all solo event

      Yup good call, thanks! Totally missed the alliance event units, that's what you get from trying to do the math quickly!


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      RedDevil Posts: 52

      December 2023

      1 GBC = 300 units


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      Cuchulainn Posts: 85

      December 2023

      Kabam Jax said:

      Noob_Master69 said:

      What does the "SRA" mean here?
      It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (36)

      Sorry, I missed that! Adjusted the original doc, but SRA should have read: Selector

      Unit cost per GBC Jax?


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      Deamon1337 Posts: 144

      December 2023 edited December 2023

      Its exactly 9660,71429 Units right now, to get the final solo milestone, with only the information given rn (there maybe a few free GBC, we dont know about)


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      Sarah245 Posts: 118 ★★

      December 2023

      Deamon1337 said:

      Its exactly 9960,71429 Units right now, to get the final solo milestone, with only the information given rn (there maybe a few free GBC, we dont know about)

      Wow 10k units for underwhelming solo and alliance rewards.


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      Pekka4900 Posts: 25

      December 2023 edited December 2023

      11k t3 and 14k t6 frags at such high milestones is insane


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      Cuchulainn Posts: 85

      December 2023 edited December 2023

      RedDevil said:

      1 GBC = 300 units

      Assuming, or do we know?

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      Opandemonio Posts: 1,264 ★★★★

      December 2023

      Savage123456789 said:

      Noob_Master69 said:

      If I counted right we get 19 free GBC which is 13,300 points
      117,600 - 13,300 = 104,300 points left

      104,300 / 2800 = 37,25 = 38 GBCs rounded up

      38 * 300 = 11,400 units

      11,400 - 600 units we get = 10,800 units for all milestones

      Whew, quite a bit
      Or my math just sucks, that's possible too

      Edit: Missed the calendar GBCs, so like, subtract 600 from that

      You also get 550 from alliance milestone, plus the units arena starting soon. But this is good work. Will help a lot of people have an estimated amount to get all solo event

      There’s also the Incursion’s Platpool event coming 20th(?) correct me if I’m wrong

    • Options

      Deepworld Posts: 284 ★★★

      December 2023

      This event shouldn’t be called banquet, should be peasant’s morsel.


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      Deamon1337 Posts: 144

      December 2023

      The fact, that last year we got the same amount of t6b and t3a in the solo milestones is insane, i hope the drop rates of these ressources in the GBC have increased a lot.


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      Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,185 ★★★★

      December 2023 edited December 2023

      Why so stingy with these beginner milestones in particular?


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      ItsClobberinTime Posts: 3,772 ★★★★★

      December 2023

      10k units for mostly useless stuff? Is this event meant to be for Cav players only or something this is terrible 💀


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      BigBlueOx Posts: 1,615 ★★★★★

      December 2023

      So… between this and no Holiday Break… does Kabam hate the holidays?


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      Chuck_Finley Posts: 896 ★★★★★

      December 2023

      Well, now I don’t feel bad at all about the units I spent on necropolis.

      Underwhelming to say the least.


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      Odachi Posts: 1,084 ★★★★

      December 2023

      It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (49)
      Joking aside, they aren't too bad and because they aren't progression locked were never going to help players go from paragon to babygrow -

      It's all about gambling! Hoo-rah! Throw 20k units to get a 6 year supply of t2a and watch a 30 day old account get a 7star thanos for just logging in! That's what the holidays are all about.


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      Standardman1989 Posts: 544 ★★★

      December 2023

      I have 22k I would spend until I have 0 Units to start 2024 and also 6,5m battlechip


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      Zephyre33 Posts: 147

      December 2023

      so in total how much gbc do we need to buy besides the free ones we are getting
      and what about the calendar are we getting any gbc from there ?


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      WinnieKologo69 Posts: 82 ★★

      December 2023

      First the underwhelming Cyber Offers and now this lackluster Banquet event that feels it was made for 2022...! Great job ending the year with a bang !



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    It's that time of year - Banquet and Accolade Events are here! (2024)
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